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5 CBD Benefits Backed by Science (2020 updated)

Staying healthy is of paramount importance to everyone. Young or old, rich or poor, we all want to feel our best. To accomplish this, it is important to keep our bodies in balance- something CBD benefits are said to help. In most cases, this involves keeping all of our different body systems at a state of equilibrium. Scientifically, this equilibrium is called 'homeostasis.' Our body requires balance in order to be at its best on a daily basis.

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What Does CBD Do?

The Endocannabinoid System needs balance just like all the other body systems. Cannabinoids are plant versions of compounds that our bodies produce naturally.

This was really only recently discovered that cannabinoids can help improve homeostasis in the body. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) that interacts with cannabinoids can affect your sleep, mood, appetite, hormones, immune responses, pain, and more. Can you see why it’s so important to keep this system happy and healthy?

CBD oil is thought to help balance the ECS. The ECS responds to the chemical compounds (cannabinoids) found in cannabis-derived products. That doesn’t mean you have to get high, though! CBD is a cannabinoid that does not produce psychoactive effects like THC does.

Top 5 CBD Health Benefits Being Studied

Want to learn more about the benefits of CBD oil for sale? Read on for seven benefits of CBD oil you need to know!

1. CBD for Digestion and Appetite

Proper food digestion is one of the essential elements for achieving optimal body performance. Unlike THC, CBD will not give you 'the munchies.' CBD may help promote healthy digestion and is being studied in disorders like irritable bowel syndrome.

CBD researchers believe that cannabinoids may be especially helpful in conditions of obesity and diabetes. While this CBD benefit is not the most researched, there is some potential for CBD to be a tool for digestion and appetite balance.

2. CBD Benefits for Anxiety

Many people interested in CBD wonder, 'Will CBD help with anxiety and sleep health issues?' Some research has observed fewer anxiety symptoms and better sleep with the use of CBD. CBD benefits for anxiety are some of the more studied claims.

There are many papers that have shown supportive results. However, the difficulty remains that the CBD products and doses used in these studies significantly differ from retail CBD products and the way people use those products without medical guidance!

3. What Can CBD Do For Cancer?

CBD could possibly help with cancer cell inhibition. There is cautious observation of CBD's ability to destroy and suppress some types of cancer cells and tumors. The paper Cannabidiol inhibits cancer cell invasion via upregulation of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-1 reports on CBD cancer benefits that are under evaluation.

The American Cancer Society has even come as far as acknowledging that medical marijuana can benefit cancer patients and help alleviate symptoms like pain and lack of appetite.

CBD is not quite the same as medical marijuana, especially when it comes to retail products. However, the cannabinoids of hemp and marijuana are essentially the same molecules, but each strain carries different proportions. Ethically, it is important to be cautious when talking about cancer and it is important for those interested in cannabinoid-based therapies to consult their doctors.

4. Antipsychotic Potential of CBD

Oftentimes, the heavy prescription drugs offered to those suffering from psychotic episodes struggle to control symptoms well and have disruptive side effects/ The side effects of antipsychotic drugs can include dizziness, difficulty speaking, and even muscle trembling.

This makes the potential antipsychotic benefits of CBD very exciting because replacements or compounds that could reduce the use of traditional antipsychotic drugs have been long sought after.

...cannabidiol seems to represent a mechanistically different and less side-effect prone antipsychotic compound...

Cannabidiol as a Potential New Type of an Antipsychotic. A Critical Review of the Evidence

While multiple studies have found that there is something to CBD as an antipsychotic, you should not stop taking your medicine without talking to a doctor. This discovery is exciting, but far from conclusive and studies note that more research is needed and patients should never stop taking prescribed medication or start taking CBD with that medication without talking to a doctor!

CBD treatment is a promising and novel tool with several potential applications in the treatment of psychotic disorders, substance use disorders, and their comorbidity. Large-scale trials are needed to establish its clinical utility.

The Potential of Cannabidiol as a Treatment for Psychosis and Addiction: Who Benefits Most? A Systematic Review

Please take extra caution here as CBD can cause adverse drug interactions with many of the medications typically used to treat psychosis!

5. CBD Benefits for Inflammation

Too much inflammation or inflammation over a long period of time is not good. Excess inflammation in the joints leads to arthritis. Symptoms of inflamed parts of the body include redness, tightness, painfulness, and more. It can even cause flu-like symptoms, including fever, chills, fatigue, headaches, stiffness, and more.

CBD can exert analgesic (pain relieving) effects and suppress inflammation. Taken together, many believe that CBD can improve symptoms of pain. The paper Analgesic and antiinflammatory activity of constituents of Cannabis sativa L takes a deeper look into the supposed benefits of CBD for inflammation.


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Plain Jane is the maker of the smoothest, natural cannabis flower on the market.

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