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CBD and Chronic Pain

9th Jul 2019

CBD and Chronic Pain

Living with chronic pain can be like a never-ending nightmare. An easy task such as brushing your teeth, exercising, getting out of the bed quickly, or even sleeping comfortably becomes dreaded and excruciating. However, in recent times, a lot of people have reported anecdotally that CBD is helpful to them. Research has also suggested that CBD is likely capable of reducing inflammation and pain sensation. But bear in mind that much of this research has been done in animal models or in other conditions than generalized chronic pain.

Table of Contents

Can CBD Help With Chronic Pain?

CBD is a product of Cannabis and a type of cannabinoid found in marijuana and hemp plants. However, CBD doesn’t cause the high feeling usually associated with marijuana because it does not contain the THC cannabinoid.

CBD is also a cannabis compound that has significant medical benefits; the fact that CBD- is non-psychoactive or less psychoactive than THC-dominant strains makes it an appealing option for many treating people with chronic pain.

However, there is no cure for chronic pain. There are currently no approved pharmaceutical products that contain CBD alone for the management of pain, and retail CBD products are not intended for medical use.

How Does CBD for Chronic Pain Work?

The suspected analgesic properties of CBD is one major reason it is thought to be an option for alleviating symptoms of chronic pain. To work as an analgesic (pain sensation reducer), CBD is thought to interact with the receptors (small proteins attached to the cell that receives chemical signal to different stimuli) of the endocannabinoid system. This interaction is what is thought to create an analgesic effect that could play a role in chronic pain relief. You can read more about how researchers believe CBD may be a beneficial anti-inflammatory as well in this paper, 'Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Cannabidiol.'

Are There Side Effects of Using CBD for Pain?

CBD is generally regarded to be quite safe with mild risks of side effects. However, it is not for everybody. It is very important to talk to your doctor before trying CBD for chronic pain or for any other reason because there are risky drug interactions, contraindications, and potential side effects. The FDA has not evaluated any retail CBD product for effectiveness or safety so only your doctor can really advise you on what is safe and appropriate.


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Plain Jane is the maker of the smoothest, natural cannabis flower on the market.

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