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COVID-19 Health Advice: Clean Your Bongs and Pipes

Cannabis sales have skyrocketed amid the COVID-19 crisis. At this time you should make sure to clean your bongs and pipes before smoking weed or hemp flower. With many stuck inside, this is a great activity to kill some time and make sure your smoking equipment is sanitary. COVID-19 can be spread by sharing joints and pipes and can survive on surfaces like bong and pipe mouthpieces for longer than you would expect.

P.S. Do not do this...

Table of Contents

How to Clean Your Bongs and Pipes

Most bong cleaning methods are the same that you would use to clean a weed pipe. Be careful to keep the separate glass bong parts from crashing into each other while soaking. It is best to soak all of the parts of a bong separately to avoid breaking.

Cleaning pipes is very easy. The hardest part might be finding the alcohol to soak them in! Don’t worry though, we have some alternatives.

Premium CBD Flower deserves a clean bowl

Method One: Simple Way to Clean Your Bongs and Pipes

What you need:

  • Rubbing Alcohol
  • Sea Salt
  • Plastic Tupperware

The easiest way to clean your weed pipe is to soak it in a tupperware filled with rubbing alcohol and a bit of salt. Let it sit an hour and give it a gentle shake. Be sure to use plastic tupperware to prevent the glass from breaking on a glass or metal container. Next, check and see if the pipe is clean or needs to soak longer. Soaking time will vary depending on how dirty the weed pipe is. When it looks clean you can rinse it off with some dish soap under warm running water. Wipe off the outside with a paper towel, then invert and let the inside air dry.

Pros: Very effective cleaning and disinfecting method

Cons: Can take some time and rubbing alcohol may not be available due to COVID-19 supply hoarding

Hints: ethanol or Everclear can be used in place of rubbing alcohol

Method Two: The Worst Way to Clean Glass

What you need:

  • Pot- not the type you smoke
  • Water
  • Stove

The dangerous way to clean your weed pipe is to boil it on the stove. There is a good chance of just breaking your pipe this way. Boiling does a great job of sanitizing objects (especially pasta), but weed pipes are not made of the strongest glass.

Pros: If you and your pipe survives, the pipe will be clean and sanitized

Cons: One may not survive

Clean Bowls allow for better flavor

Method Three: The Fun Way to Clean Glass

What you need:

  • White Vinegar
  • Baking Soda
  • Plastic Bowl

White vinegar and baking soda can be used to clean weed pipes and make model volcanos. When they combine they immediately create a fizzy chemical reaction. Basically a bath bomb for your bong.

Pros: Fun and effective quarantine activity

Cons: Takes longer to soak than alcohol

If your pipe looks like this... clean it

Final Thoughts on COVID-19: Clean Your Bongs and Pipes

Bong and pipe hygiene aren’t just for stoners! Smoking CBD hemp flower can leave the same greasy residues that give off poor tastes. Smoking hemp flower from a clean bong or pipe will allow you to experience the best or its flavor. Dirty bongs and pipes can cover the delicate terpene flavors that differ between hemp flower strains like fruity Hawaiian Haze and earthy Siskiyou Gold.


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