Mr. Hemp Flower is a newcomer to the CBD market that has been marketing hard to achieve high visibility. Like Plain Jane, they offer a wide variety of products such as CBD hemp flower, CBD concentrates, hemp cigarettes, and CBD oils. One product you will find with Mr. Hemp Flower that is not sold by Plain Jane is their delta-8-THC products. Though they are based in North Carolina, Mr. Hemp Flower sources their hemp from US farmers in Oregon, Washington, and Colorado.

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What is Delta-8-THC and is it Legal?
Delta-8-THC has been highly controversial because it does get users high. It is less potent than THC, but it is still psychoactive. Synthetically derived THC of any kind are controlled substances, regardless of THC content according to the latest DEA ruling. Since delta-8-THC is made by synthetically converting CBD into delta-8-THC it is considered to be illegal and the DEA. However, many CBD businesses are arguing that because it is initially derived from hemp it should be legal.
This argument has sparked some lawsuits and some companies such as Mr. Hemp Flower continue to sell products like delta-8-THC vapes, hemp flower that is sprayed with delta-8-THC, concentrated delta-8-THC has, and delta-8-THC gummies. The USDA did not intend in any way to legalize delta-8-THC when legalizing hemp and delta-8-THC is a listed controlled substance as of August 2020. Hemp does not naturally produce enough delta-8-THC to get someone high and not enough to even be extracted in sizable amounts. All delta-8-THC on the CBD market is considered to be synthetic and illegal so we strongly recommend against purchasing these products.
Shopping for Mr. Hemp CBD Products
With competitive pricing and a 15% discount pop-up, you can definitely get some good deals with Mr. Hemp Flower. They have a great selection of hemp flower in strains like Blueberry Pie, Cherry Creme Brulee, and Gelato CBD. They also have a wide selection of CBD gummies and offer product bundles so you can try a variety of product.
Again, the one thing that is concerning is that the company seems to be encouraging high THC products (like their High THC Bundle) and delta-8-THC products that do get people high. This is tough to see because for consumers it may seem like they found a loophole to marijuana prohibition, but to CBD industry veterans that have fought hard to legitimize hemp and CBD it feels like a slap in the face. Hemp and CBD is not intended to get people high and truly, it is a big risk to consumers to sell intoxicating and unregulated products over the internet.
Should I Buy Mr. Hemp Flower Products?
If you are interested in trying Mr. Hemp Flower products I would recommend sticking to their offerings that are legal such as CBD buds, CBD pre-rolls, hemp cigarettes, and CBD gummies. They really do offer these at a great price and with a good selection. They publish lab results for their products. I checked out some and found that a lot of these products have more than 0.3% delta-9-THC and significantly more potential THC, measured as THCA. If you do not want to risk getting high or failing a drug test, do not use these products. If that is not a concern for you they may be an acceptable option, but be sure to check their lab results because most of these products are not legal in all 50 states.
Final Thought on Mr. Hemp Flower
In the future, I hope that Mr. Hemp Flower moves away from intoxicating products and see that CBD is enough. They are totally capable of having a competitive CBD brand without introducing so many legally questionable products that pose a large risk to consumer safety. They have a great selection of CBD buds and CBD gummies and could do very well with those. The fact that they offer these other products makes them look sketchy and unprofessional though. If it were not for items like their high THC bundle and delta-8-THC I would feel totally comfortable ordering from them. However, those products make me worried that as a CBD consumer I may accidentally purchase something that will produce undesirable intoxication. This is the last worry that a CBD consumer wants so I hope the company will move away from this in the future.