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Plain Jane CBD

What is an Antioxidant: CBD Benefits

What is an Antioxidant: CBD Benefits

You've probably heard the term 'antioxidant' before since many natural compounds possess this beneficial property. Numerous studies have observed that CBD has antioxidant properties, and most terpenes
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Plain Jane Hemp Terpenes: The Ultimate Guide

Plain Jane Hemp Terpenes: The Ultimate Guide

Hemp is a variety of Cannabis sativa that is naturally low in the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and rich in cannabidiol (CBD). Like marijuana, hemp contains compounds such as cannabinoids, te
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What We Really Know About CBD, Cannabis, and Sex

What We Really Know About CBD, Cannabis, and Sex

Sex is a normal and healthy human function, but some individuals face intimate challenges that can be hard to talk about. In researching CBD and sex and cannabis and sex, you will find a lot of claims
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The Ultimate Plain Jane CBD FAQ

The Ultimate Plain Jane CBD FAQ

We always get many questions about our CBD product, so here is an overview of those CBD FAQs. You'll find an abundance of information in this article and we encourage you to click through the links to
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Weed Paranoia: Why it Happens and What You Can Do

Weed Paranoia: Why it Happens and What You Can Do

People often proclaim weed as the safest substance to consume. While virtually impossible to overdose, many smokers generally ignore the paranoia that some experience when smoking. If you're reading t
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CBD Oil versus Medical Marijuana: What’s the difference?

CBD Oil versus Medical Marijuana: What’s the difference?

This year a record number of people will take a prescription medication. Nearly 60% of American adults are using prescription drugs, and that rate is on the rise. The widespread use of these drug
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Fashion Trend 2019:  Hemp Clothes.

Fashion Trend 2019: Hemp Clothes.

 Did you know the  first pair of Levis were made of hemp?Derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant, the fibres of hemp are well known for their durability and ruggedness. In their raw stat
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CBD Pain Patches: A New Topical CBD Product

CBD Pain Patches: A New Topical CBD Product

Did you know that you could substitute traditional weed and hemp consumption methods for cannabis transdermal patches?The market for cannabis has exploded, introducing products for every type of weed
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