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Buying US Hemp in Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico Hemp Laws

Buying US Hemp in Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico Hemp Laws

In addition to the federal hemp laws laid out in the 2018 Farm Bill, each state has its own state hemp laws- this also includes US territories like Puerto Rico. Before we dive in on Puerto Rico Hemp L
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CBD and Hemp Legality in Oklahoma: Cannabis & Hemp Laws 2021 Update

CBD and Hemp Legality in Oklahoma: Cannabis & Hemp Laws 2021 Update

2021 UpdateNo updates have been made to hemp- CBD laws in Oklahoma..In 2021, Oklahoma made HB 2272: 'Oklahoma Cap on Medical Marijuana Businesses Act of 2021law. This is an attempt to to cap the marke
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**Disclaimer: We do not ship Delta-8 or Delta-9 THC products to the following states: AK, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, HI, ID, IA, LA, MA, MI, MN, MT, NV, NY, ND, OR, RI, SC, UT, VT, VA, or WA due to local laws in those regions

***We do not ship any products to the following states:  California, Idaho, Iowa, Oregon, or Utah due to local laws in those regions
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