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Wild Hemp- What it is and Where it Comes From

Wild Hemp- What it is and Where it Comes From

Wild hemp is also known as feral cannabis, wild marijuana, or “ditch weed.” These wild hemp plants have been defined by The Drug Enforcement Agency as, “wild, scattered marijuana plants [with] no evi
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The Ancient History of Hemp

The Ancient History of Hemp

Our ancestors have cultivated and incorporated hemp in their lives for thousands of years. Their ancient ways have much to teach our modern civilization about health and wellness through natural subst
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**Disclaimer: We do not ship Delta-8 or Delta-9 THC products to the following states: AK, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, HI, ID, IA, LA, MA, MI, MN, MT, NV, NY, ND, OR, RI, SC, UT, VT, VA, or WA due to local laws in those regions

***We do not ship any products to the following states:  California, Idaho, Iowa, Oregon, or Utah due to local laws in those regions
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