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Weed Scale Measurements- Eighths to Ounces

When it comes to measuring cannabis, the process alone sounds easy. However, weed scale measurements can be a little confusing for new users. Luckily, once you get it right it becomes easy to remember. Cannabis, like most consumables, needs to be measured by weight. Weed can be more dense or dry, so measuring by weight ensures that you get the same amount despite the different flower types.

Below are some common weed scale measurements you are likely to encounter.

Table of Contents

A Gram of Weed

A gram of weed is the new version of the “dime bag.” This is just a few buds that cost $7.00 to $15.00 depending on the quality of the weed. A gram is usually enough weed for one or two bowls or joints. It is a good amount for sampling if you aren’t sure you will like a strain. Also, perfect if you are not a frequent weed user but want to enjoy a little.

One gram of hemp flower with a quarter for scale.

An Eighth of Weed

An eighth of weed is also equivalent to one-eighth of an ounce of weed. One eighth is equal to 0.125 ounces, or 3.5 grams. Most people purchase at least an eighth of weed at a time. An eighth of weed can last anywhere from days to weeks to months depending on how much you use and if you share.

3.5 grams, or a 'eighth,' of hemp flower next to a quarter for scale.

A Quarter of Weed

If you are a moderate frequency weed consumer, you may prefer to get a quarter of weed. This is equal to two eighths, or 7.0 grams of weed. A quarter of an ounce of weed can cost anywhere from $60.00 to $85.00 depending on location and quality. A quarter is usually a slightly better deal than an eighth.

A Half Ounce of Weed

The term half of weed simply refers to half of an ounce, which is about 14 grams. Half ounces are usually where consumers start seeing some savings for purchasing in a larger volume. The price will of course vary depending on location and quality. If you find a particular strain you like or a rare strain you want to stash, it may be a good idea to get a half-ounce to stock up.

14 grams of hemp flower, or a 'half,' next to a quarter for scale.

An Ounce of Weed

An ounce of weed weighs 28 grams. In states with recreational marijuana laws, an ounce is often the legal limit per purchase per person at a dispensary. In states where weed has been decriminalized, an ounce is often the limit between getting a ticket for personal use and getting arrested for possession or intent to distribute.

An ounce of weed will usually cost $200.00+ but is the best value if you are not purchasing in pounds. The price of hemp flower is generally cheaper than weed. However, many storefronts charge much more than the deals you can find online.

Kilograms and Pounds of Weed

Considering a pound of weed equals sixteen ounces, which is the equivalent of 448 grams, such a gigantic amount of weed can’t be bought or sold given the restrictions surrounding the legal quantity of weed to be bought at any given point in time.

The best weed scales are 'analytical balances' or jewelry scales.

Final Note on Weed Scale Measurements

Cannabis users should always be sure to know the exact quantity of weed they’ve purchased. This is important to make sure you are within legal guidelines and to ensure you are getting your money’s worth. The best scales for measuring weed are jewelry scales that have at least three decimal places. Scales need to be calibrated before use but are very user-friendly. Many can be purchased for under $20.00 online.


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Plain Jane is the maker of the smoothest, natural cannabis flower on the market.

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***We do not ship any products to the following states:  California, Idaho, Iowa, or Utah due to local laws in those regions